Will Seniors 64+ Get $1360 Month in Canada? Eligibility & Details

$1360 Month in Canada: The monthly CPP payments for the seniors whose age is 64+ in Canada will increase to $1360 by the year 2024.

The CPP is a mandatory savings scheme that is funded by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and offers monetary assistance for pensioners, disabled persons and surviving members of a deceased contributor.

In this article, we’ll outline what is important for one to know about the CPP, how your payments are determined, as well as other facts that are good to know about this important retirement income.

What Is the Canada CPP?

The Canada Pension Plan is one of the federal pension plans aimed at offering income to any worker in Canada after he or she retires.

The program is mandatory for all workers between the ages of 18 and 70 who earn income; the employer as well as the employees contribute 5.95% of the concerned employee’s income up to a certain amount specified by the company. Vulnerable employees must contribute half of the total cost, which is 5.95%, while self-employed participants must contribute the full 11. 90%.

Besides, the CPP gives the disabled persons’ allowance and a pension in case of death, along with other benefits for the families of the CPP’s beneficiaries.  People make payments depending on how much they earned while in the working years and the duration they made the contribution.

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Monthly Payments for Seniors Aged 64+

CPP beneficiaries include the people who were 65 years of age and above and who paid contributions during their working years; in 2024, the monthly payment was $1360. This amount is slightly higher than in the previous years because adjustments have been made for this inflationary factor.

It was in 2023 that the maximum amount payable monthly under CPP was $1,306. 57 CAD, and a 4.4% raise of the base rate will be anticipated for 2024, meaning that the maximum monthly payment will grow to $1360 CAD.

However, the amount that people actually received differs with times when they received less than this maximum if for example, they had not contributed for some years or if they fell into the income limit bracket.

Eligibility Criteria for CPP Payments

Eligibility Criteria for CPP Payments

To qualify for the $1360 per month CPP payment, individuals must meet the following criteria:

Age Requirement:

  • You must be at least 60 years old to start receiving benefits. However, the full retirement age for CPP is 65 years. Retiring earlier results in reduced benefits, while delaying retirement until age 70 increases the monthly payment.


  • You must have contributed to the CPP for at least 10 years. Your contributions, along with those from your employer, are calculated based on your earnings and capped at an annual maximum.

Contribution Ceiling:

  • For 2023, the contribution ceiling was $66,600 CAD, and for 2024, it will rise to $68,500 CAD. Contributions are only required on income up to this ceiling, and benefits are based on the amount contributed.

Family Benefits:

  • The CPP also provides benefits to the families of contributors, including a survivor’s benefit for the deceased’s spouse and children’s benefits for dependents under 18.

CPP Payment Increases for 2024

The best thing about this program is that the CRA is always adjusting its CPP payments to match the prevailing inflation levels as well as changes in the economic realities. In the 2024 case of beneficiaries, they will be receiving an increment of 4.4%. increase in their monthly payments, reflecting a rise of $57.46 CAD.

Key Adjustments:

  • Average Monthly Payment Increase: The average monthly CPP payment will rise from $1,306.57 CAD to $1,360 CAD.
  • Additional Benefits for Delayed Retirement: If you delay starting your CPP benefits past age 65, you can receive an increase of 0.7% per month (up to 42% extra) by waiting until age 70.
  • Reduction for Early Retirement: Retiring before age 65 reduces your benefits by 0.6% per month (up to 36% for those who retire at age 60).

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Important Facts About CPP Payments

Here are some key details about the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) that seniors should be aware of:

  • Eligibility Age: You can start receiving CPP at age 60, but the standard retirement age is 65.
  • Reduction for Early Benefits: If you start taking your pension before 65, you’ll receive a 0.6% reduction per month.
  • Increase for Delayed Benefits: Delaying benefits past 65 increases payments by 0.7% for each month you delay, up to 42% at age 70.
  • Contribution Period: To qualify for the CPP, you need to contribute to the plan for at least 10 years.
  • Annual Increase: In January 2023, CPP payments were increased by 6.5%, and further increases are scheduled for 2024.
  • Family Benefits: The CPP provides death benefits and additional support for children of deceased contributors up to 18 years old.

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) offers important income to the retirees, whereby the amount to be paid to the eligible senior aged 64+ in 2024 will be $1360 monthly.

These payments enable many Canadians to meet their everyday cost of living after they retire, although their amount depends on contributions made by an individual while in service.

Due to the inflation adjustments done every now and then, the CPP continues to be one of the prime sources of financial security for the aging citizens of Canada.


Q. How much will the CPP payment be in 2024?

A. CPP monthly benefits will also rise in 2024, with the maximum rate reaching $1360 CAD per month.

Q. At what age can I start receiving CPP payments?

A. CPP can be received from 60, with the full amount at 65, and CPI if received after 65 until 70.

Q. What is the contribution ceiling for CPP in 2024?

A. The contribution limit is going to be $68,500 CAD in the year 2024 and $66,600 CAD in the year 2023.

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