$2573 OAS Direct Payment 2024: Which Seniors Will Be Eligible? Know Everything Here!

In the year 2024, much discussion is being made about a $ 2573 Old Age Security (OAS) direct payment arriving in mid-August. This payment’s purpose is to assist seniors to cope with the problem of inflation by providing them with an additional amount for that.

However, no substantive evidence has ever been produced to support this picture, and therefore many people are still not sure whether the above statement is genuine or merely the product of someone’s imagination.

This piece will tell you everything you need to know about the OAS program, including who can get it and when they will start getting money. Let’s separate what we know about this supposed OAS direct payment in 2024 from what we think it is.

What is OAS?

Old Age Security (OAS) is a monthly income program given by the Canadian government to help people over 65 years old. For many seniors, the program is their only way to stay alive, especially those who don’t have other major sources of income.

Inflation is usually a cause of prices going up and OAS payments are beneficial because they can meet such basic needs like rent, health facility fees, and other necessities.

There’s this alleged payment of $2,573, people are discussing this and some argue that it could be in relation to an increase in prices since of course, there is inflation. Now it is time to verify whether this payment is genuine and what typical OAS payments are.


The requirements that seniors must meet so that they can receive the rumored $2,573 payment or get any other standard OAS payment in 2024 include:

  • Age Limit: For those interested in applying must be a minimum of 65 years of age.
  • Residence Requirement: The senior has to be living in Canada at the time or have been a citizen of Canada all his or her life.
  • To be qualified for OAS payments, a person has to have lived in Canada for ten years since he or she was 18 years. For someone to be eligible for OAS payments, they must have lived in Canada for at least 10 years since they turned 18.

There are also additional income factors that are taken into account:

Age GroupIncome ThresholdMaximum Payment
65 to 74 years old$142,609 or less$718.33
75 years or older$148,179 or less$790.16

This normal income-based payment structure helps with money every month, but the rumored $2,573 amount is a lot more than the standard payout.

OAS Payment Dates

The regular OAS payouts happen every month. The $2,573 amount for August 2024 has not been publicly confirmed, but here are the confirmed payment dates for the next few months in 2024:


These are the official times that CRA has released so far for a payment schedule. If the payment is real, then CRA will likely provide an update or a dedicated payment release closer to Aug 12, 2024 – the main presumed date of the payment.

How Much Will Seniors Receive?

Currently, the available payment standard of OAS depends on the age and income of the senior. As an example:

  • For most of the individuals who are above 65 to 74 years, and depending on their income of $142,609 or less they will pay $718. 33 a month.
  • The elderly persons who are seventy-five and above, and with a yearly income of less than $148179 can receive $790. 16 a month.

It would too, if $2,573 is true, mean $2600 was to be a one-time payment that was intended to override the inflation rates, but again, the evidence is still hard to come by. Despite the existence of various forms of expenditure, it can be stated that standard payments remain an integral part of older citizens’ financial planning.

Payment Method

Payment Method

These funds whether they are real or just hearsay, are transferred directly to the recipient’s bank account through bank deposit. If, however, you are already receiving your benefits, you do not need to do anything more to continue receiving them.

If you are not yet aware that you meet the qualifying criteria for the application but you think you do best start applying at the Canadian government website.

Especially those who are interested in the new possible payment of $2,573 seniors should wait until the CRA or another governmental department provides them with the information.

Is the $2,573 Payment Real?

Although there have been some speculations concerning this big one-time payment, the Canadian government has not come out clear on this number.

It was reported that this payment may be in connection with a certain plan to combat inflation while other sources believe that it may be in relation with political activities. The recommended course of action is to continue with the current payments, and amounts specified in the OAS until such a move is communicated by the government.

It can also be seen from the above table that people over the age of 65 are very much interested in the rumor regarding the $2,573 straight payment from OAS. It is great dreaming about getting such asum as this, but for now, there is no definite way of proving it.

The direct monthly payments that bring money to people aged 65 and older represent for many Canadians still stable income, OAS. Another source of information about the government is the main website of the government, which should be frequently visited in order to get up-to-date information.

FAQs On $2573 OAS Direct Payment 2024

Q1. What is the meaning of the $2573 OAS Direct Payment?

A. The OAS Direct Payment is $2573 and this is a lump sum that the seniors can spend for their income needs.

Q2. What ← are entitled to the $2573 OAS Direct Payment in 2024?

A. The government is to set income and residency requirements so that any senior willing to join the plan will be welcomed. Working speak more details will be made by the respective authorities.

Q3. How do I know if I qualify for this payment?

A. It depends on some factors which are income status and residence. Please contact your local government or the official website of OAS for the most relevant and updated information.

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